Sunday, March 24, 2013

Concurrency Control and Performance

This paper was authored by Rakesh Agrwal, Mike Carey and Miron Livny.
Previous work had conflicting results: blocking beats restarts, restarts beat blocking, etc.

Goal of this paper
        Do a good job modeling the problem and its variants
        Capture causes of previous conflicting results
        Make recommendations based on variables of problem

  Simulation study. Compare the 3 approaches:
a.       Blocking (i.e. 2PL)    block when lock request is denied
b.      Immediate Restart     when denied a lock, restart after a delay
c.       Optimistic                restart decision taken at commit points
  Pay attention to model of system:
1. database system model: hardware and software model (CPUs, disks, size & granule of DB, load control mechanism, CC algorithm
2.  user model: arrival of user tasks, nature of tasks (e.g. batch vs. interactive)
3.  transaction model: logical reference string (i.e. CC schedule), physical reference string (i.e. disk block requests, CPU processing bursts).
4.  Probabilistic modeling of each. They argue this is key to a performance study of a DBMS.
  logical queuing model
  physical queuing model

a)      measure throughput, mostly
b)      pay attention to variance of response time, too
c)      pick a DB size so that there are noticeable conflicts (else you get comparable performance)

Experiment 1: Infinite Resources
  • as many disks and CPUs as you want
  • blocking thrashes due to transactions blocking numerous times
  • restart plateaus: adaptive wait period (avg response time) before restart
  • optimistic scales logarithmically
  • standard deviation of response time under locking much lower
Experiment 2: Limited Resources (1 CPU, 2 disks)
  • Everybody thrashes
  • blocking throughput peaks at mpl 25
  • optimistic peaks at 10
  • restart peaks at 10, plateaus at 50 – as good or better than optimistic
  • at super-high mpl (200), restart beats both blocking and optimistic
  • load control is the answer here – adding it to blocking & optimistic makes them handle higher mpls
Experiment 3: Multiple Resources (5, 10, 25, 50 CPUs, 2 disks each)
  • optimistic starts to win at 25 CPUs
  • when useful disk utilization is only about 30%, system begins to behave like infinite resources
  • even better at 50
Experiment 4: Interactive Workloads
  • Add user think time.
  • makes the system appear to have more resources
  • so optimistic wins with think times 5 & 10 secs.
  • Blocking still wins for 1 second think time.

Questioning to assumptions:
Fake restarts – biases for optimistic
  • result in less conflict
  • Cost of conflict in optimistic is higher
  • issue of k > 2 transactions contending for one item
  • will have to punish k-1 of them with real restart
Write-lock acquisition
  • recall our discussion of lock upgrades and deadlock
  • blind write biases for restart (optimistic not an issue here), particularly with infinite resources
  • blocking holds write locks for a long time; waste of deadlock restart not an issue here.
  • with finite resources, blind write restarts transactions earlier (making restart look better)
  blocking beats restarting, unless resource utilization is low
  possible in situations of high think time
  mpl control important. admission control the typical scheme. Restartʼs adaptive load control is too clumsy, though.
  false assumptions made blocking look relatively worse

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